Music for All – 14th August 2021

On Saturday August 14th Bosbury Church was alive with light and music as we celebrated the easing of COVID 19 restrictions with a Music for All concert “for the Village and Friends by the Village and Friends”. This was our first opportunity for over a year to gather and listen to a selection of live music and we weren’t quite sure how it would be. However we needn’t have worried!

A warmly appreciative audience enjoyed an eclectic programme featuring solos, duets, trios and Bosbury Church Choir, with music for flutes, clarinets, saxophone, trumpet, tenor horn, organ and piano and singing, as well as Chinese poems accompanied by flute. The age of performers ranged from 11 years to 70 plus, and featured several families – the Bucks, the Prices and the Kay/McKays – and Roger Allen’s sterling work as organist and accompanist. Thank you very much to all who took part. We hope this will now return to being an annual event.

The social side of these occasions is equally important and we enjoyed the legendary Bosbury nibbles provided by Liz Clutterbuck  and Alison Young, while catching up with friends and neighbours. In fact the interval threatened to outlast the music until the audience were gently returned to their seats!

We also benefited from the beautiful flower arrangements in place for the weddings that had just taken place in church, which really added to the sense of occasion.

Thanks also to visitor Margaret Beare and her husband from Hereford who kindly shared these photographs.

We look forward to our next musical event

“The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady in Song”

presented by Broomdasher at 7pm on Saturday October 16th.

For more details and tickets (£10 Adult, £5 Child under 18, £25 Family, to include refreshments) please contact Esther Kay 01531 670634 or Suanna Rosier 01531 640444.

Broomdasher – Saturday 16th October 2021 at 7:00pm

Broomdasher are a five-voice acapella group from London, and they’re bringing their folk musical, The Country Diary in Song, to Bosbury on Saturday 16th October 2021.

The Country Diary in Song is a new folk musical celebrating the 150th birthday of The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady author Edith Holden.

If brings her diary to life through well-loved folk songs like Wild Mountain Thyme; Bushes and Briars; If I was a Blackbird; Seeds of Love and Country Life.

You’re encouraged to join in choruses as London-based acapella folk group Broomdasher intertwine Edith’s beautiful descriptions with songs collected by Cecil Sharp and Ralph Vaughan Williams at the same time she was writing her diary to recreate a much-loved bygone era.