A new organ fund target…

We have been able to effect some modest but very important repairs to the organ which have rendered it more reliable and suitable for recitals. The next recital, to be given by Roger Judd, is on Saturday August 24th at 3pm.

Thanks to generous donations and fundraising the organ fund currently stands at £8500. Our next target is to fit a new blower. This will supply enough air to enable the organist literally to “pull out all the stops” without danger of the instrument wheezing and sounding out of tune. The cost of a new blower, which has to be ordered from continental makers, is £12000 plus (recoverable)VAT.

The terms are 50% deposit on order, 50% on completion 6 months later.

Any donations or pledges of whatever size which can help us achieve this target will be gratefully received by our Treasurer Rob Prestidge 01531 640995.

If you want to know more about Bosbury’s historic church organ please visit the church where there are leaflets on display.